What makes a good profile?
The number of replies you get from other members will depend greatly on the impact of your profile. Here are a few simple guidelines to consider:
i) Upload a photo - preferably a face picQuestion: Would you meet up with someone you've never seen? By agreeing to become a member of this site we are allowing each user a certain degree of anonymity, and thus the freedom to be or do things that they would normally not do in ordinary conversation. However, just like being in a room, you have to catch someone's eye in order to initiate that conversation. Thus not posting a picture is chat suicide as you won't cause the person you really want to talk to, to stop and take a chance by talking to you. Conversely even though a user enjoys anonymity, please remember that some members are a bit apprehensive; it does take a certain amount of courage to join, and let ones fantasies be known. Thus it is better if you make your first 'advert' picture one that shows yourself as approachable rather than as somebody just interested in taking part in a 'size' contest. Images should be no bigger than 250k and in .jpg format. You can also post your picture to the site postal address and it will be scanned and uploaded for you. All photographs are vetted before they are published for display, as indicated by the awaiting photo flag in the media area. We will not display any photographs we deem to be detrimental to the ethos of the site, nor any containing children, animals, or third parties whose copyright may be infringed and/or may not want to be associated with the site. Clipart and screen savers are also not acceptable. The vetting process is carried out by hand and therefore there may be a delay in displaying your image - your patience is appreciated. ii) Be inventive with your tag lineWhen members search listings on the site, your catch phrase is highlighted. It is best to be inventive and as a general rule, lines like "Hi!" do not catch people's attention and nor do stock chat up lines. Try and be descriptive yet succinct. iii) Complete your background detailsInspire possible bedmates with your details! You are on a mission to find someone who will enjoy your encounter as much as you do, so tell those that have given your more than 7 seconds of attention why they should stick around and find out more. If you have come this far, having had your mail address verified, it is important to strengthen your presence. We understand that your privacy is a concern, and therefore it may be necessary for you to refrain from posting a picture, but it is hard to identify someone from their stats alone. Also those who are deemed to be of a high enough caliber will be promoted in our newsletters and in featured members lists - so if you want to attract the right people you need to present yourself as an opportunity not to be missed! All elements of a members profile, both when being initially created as well as when any subsequent modifications are made, will go through an approval process. We reserve the right to refuse to publish any details we feel is inappropriate. This includes any personal information, such as, but not limited to: your home address, a personal mobile or telephone number, a "real" e-mail address or web address. Persistent attempts to publish information in this way will result in the member being banned. Any commercial information entered such as an 0900 number or requests to go to a cam site will result in the member being immediately banned. iv) Take a moment to gauge your interestsNot all of us are able to write our fantasies and interests succinctly. Thus we have provided a simple gauge mechanism so that you can show what you are more interested or proficient in quickly and clearly. This helps when doing an advanced search, to narrow the field of possibilities. |